Our home is Silver Ridge Kennels. We raise CKC American Cocker Spaniels with love as our basis & our passion. We strive for a calm temperament and breed standards. Our pups will warm your heart. Come and visit!
Adele Mattinson
A true companion animals socialized at the breeder's home. If you visit our home you are likely to see our cockers scurrying around the living room getting under the feet of the people who live there and even visitors. This is good for the pup as it gets them used to being around people and other animals. It is a very important, necessary step in raising a purebred or otherwise to be a real companion.
Implantable microchips are about the size of a grain of rice, and in companion animals are implanted under the skin, just forward of the shoulder blades. The microchip contains a unique identification code, which is registered with EIDAP along with the animal, owner, and breeder information.
All of pups are vet checked fully before going home with you. This includes:
Weight & temperature — 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit is normal — as well as her pulse and breathing rate.
Listen for heart and lung abnormalities and examine other internal organs by palpating, or feeling them.
Give your puppy’s ears a going-over to ensure they not only look right but also smell right — no infections or parasites.
Check the puppy’s genitals to ensure two testicles are present in males and there’s no sign of discharge or infection in females.
Go over eyes, nose, skin, and the anal region carefully to check for discharge or other signs of disease or parasites.
Open the puppy’s mouth to see that teeth and gums look as they should.
Most dogs are followers. The model we use is dog pack/human pack. It's essential that the humans be Pack Leader, with the dog following.
If a dog does not have strong pack leadership from its humans, it may show unbalanced behaviors, which can lead to confusion, anxiety, or aggression problems in a dog. A dog can only be balanced and secure when it knows what its humans want and receives very clear and consistent direction. This helps maintain a calm submissive temperament with in our home and kennel.
Our pups are vaccinated at the 7.5 week mark to ensure thier immune system is strong. At 2.5 months of age your puppy will be due for their second set of shots. At 4 months of age you can have their rabies vaccine done.
Worms in puppies are common. This growth phase of their life is when they are most susceptible! Knowing when to deworm puppies is important.
Deworm puppies at 2, 4, 6, & 8 weeks of age, then again at 12 & 16 weeks of age.
Deworm again at 6 months and 1 year.
Then deworm as an adult.

American Cocker Spaniels

The American Cocker Spaniel is primarily a beloved companion dog breed, remains a capable bird dog at heart as the smallest member of the Sporting Group. A sturdy, compact body and a cleanly chiseled and refined head, with the overall dog in complete balance and of ideal size.
Beautiful to look at, amenable, cheerful disposition makes him a treat to have in the family. Never more pleased than when he’s pleasing you, they’re as happy to snuggle on the couch with his favorite adults, as to romp in the yard with the kids. This is a dog capable of considerable speed, combined with great endurance.
There are a variety in colors of Cocker Spaniels: Black (including black and tan), ASCOB (an acronym for "any solid color other than black" – meaning buff, brown, silver, etc.), and parti-color (black and white, brown and white, red and white, sable and tri-color). The average lifespan of the Cocker Spaniel is twelve years. Males typically weigh 20 – 23 pounds, and females, 18 – 20 pounds. Cockers are considered a small sized dog, fitting comfortably into a car, apartment, or a small home.
6 Silver Ridge Rd, Township Rd. 392-B, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 1L7
Email: silverridgekennels@gmail.com
Tel: 403-846-8723
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday